“KBC Clinical Hospital Centre” is a documentary series, a television format in which we monitor the daily work of doctors and other medical staff in an ER. The specificity of this format is a documentary view of medical cases that we are experiencing on the spot thanks to a journalist team accompanying the work of medical staff. They are unobtrusive and do not interfere with the work of the staff. They are here to follow their work and to record the emotions of patients and their close friends. From personal experience most of our viewers know what happens when a patient comes to an emergency room, and this show allows them to somehow look behind the curtain.

Through day-to-day episodes, the viewer is also educated through detailed information that includes medical descriptions, additional details about an illness, symptoms and ways of treatment. Through a professional and realistic view of a medical case, we are also following an emotional story related to patients. Many secrets will be revealed, some love will survive, and some marriages will break.