“Wheel of Fortune” is one of the most popular television quiz shows worldwide. After many years, the quiz that raised many generations started airing again on spring 2015 on Croatian RTL television.
The famous couple who guides you through every show are our wonderful hosts Boris Mirković and Iva Jerković.
Numerous loyal fans who did not miss a single show, “Wheel of Fortune” acquired twenty years ago, when this quiz first started airing in the Croatia. After thirteen years it came back in the well-known format. When it is their turn, the contestants have three options – buy a vowel, spin the wheel or offer a solution to the puzzle. On the way to the prizes the contestants are guided by the host and, of course, indispensable hostess of the “Wheel of Fortune”.
One of the first Croatian licensed quizzes is developed from the American “Wheel of Fortune” by Mery Griffin. In the US, the “Wheel of Fortune” has been on air since 1975, and for more than thirty seasons is one of the most watched television quiz shows in the US. Because of the puzzles, prizes and testing knowledge, every week more than 47 million viewers are seated in front of their TV. Numerous music and movie stars have also tried spinning the wheel. In this new, returnee Croatian version of famous quiz show, we had opportunity to see some of the domestic celebrities like stylist and host Borut Mihalic, main actors of the TV series “Horvatovi”, singer Amel Curic, the jury of the music show “Zvjezdice”, and many others.